Believe that you have the destiny,the innate ability,to become all you expect of life. You may be going through some difficult time, wondering about how things will turn out. Find the meaning of life's struggled and accomplishments. Don't put away the dreams inside you. Be hopeful and determine to make yourself exactly what you want to be. Believe in yourself..nothing is beyond your reach.
Msg penuh makne..huhu..trus ilang ngantuk..
comel n berkesan i think...
pendekatan yg berbaza..tapi tujuan tetap 1..
sama2 la kita menjaga kebersihan..
jdi xpela kn kalu dlm kete ad sampah..sbb xbuang luar tingkap..huhuhu...lariii..
but the responsible still with u..make sure it dispose properly k...hehehe...
ye paham..nnt awk wat la inspection kt kete sy yer..mesti tip top..
ok....make sure no open burning n no river dumping...make sure it dispose at authorized landfill site...wakakakaka....poyo tak?praktis2...
adush..rosak plan..bru igt esok nk wat open burning..river dumping tu..x sea dumping tu xtau la..wakakaka...baeklah cik menurut perintah..
cian penyu2 t....plastik yg terapung dilautan boleh menyerupai obor2..dan penyu akan ingat ianya obor2,dia akan makan,dan dia akn tercekit dan dia akan mati..
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